
This section assumes you already know how skins work, if you dont then i recommend you read the Quake1 and Quake2 skinhelp section as its all there for you before you read about Quake3 Skinning and the differences between the methods...


In Quake 1 the skin was laid out in teh shape of a humanoid and made things very easy for the amateur skinners to understand where their skin would appear in relation to the 3d model.

In Quake 2 things changed dramatically with Paul Steeds method of Mapping the models mesh. The various sections of the body were seperated and the type of mapping meant that what you saw on the flat was VERY different to what you saw on the Model.

It was a problematic model to skin for most clans attempting to put nice logos on the front or back.

But to be fair the animations were much more dynamic.

  In Quake 3 we have the best of both worlds, i.e a modeller modelling, and a skinner making the meshes. Kenneth Scott is now making the meshes.

So what you see now on 2d is pretty much what you get in 3D ingame. Again the the skin has exploded more like the quake2 ones , but more damatically and theres no more limited 256 colour palletes, you are free to use RGB mode etc


And that folks is the your overview of Quake3 skinning, essentially the skins have become more like a blown up version of the quake1 skins, with everything optimised where it can be, the new meshes look intimidating but what you see is very close to what you get and thats what you need. You will find with these new skins that each one has its own way of repeating but i will attempt to explain them all as I have the Visor model in a later section..

...time allowing of which I never seem to have much, so dont hold me to it!


'Patience is a Virtue, and Artists are lazy people